Thursday, May 31, 2012

Returning to God

I was part of a conversation with friends last week about the challenge of staying connected to God on a regular basis and how hard it is to get back with God when we've been away.

Most of us agreed that our lives seem to be better when we're paying attention to God, saying our prayers, coming to church and trying to be open to God. Somehow, our problems aren't so big; our lives run a little bit smoother; and it's easy to pray. We talk to God like talking to a friend and can ask God for help and guidance for anything.

We all agreed that when we are in a season when we forget to pray, skip church for all kinds of reasons, and forget that God is even there, then when some challenge comes our way, we are afraid to ask God for help. It could be a loss of confidence, a loss of a job or the loss of a loved one and it's just so hard and humbling to come back.

Well the good news is that God is always ready for us to come back, especially when we are wearied or burdened by the changes that life gives us. Jesus invites us back and promises that when we come back, when we seek God, He is always ready and willing to renew our lives and our relationship with Him.

So go to Him now. Whether it's been a long time or just yesterday morning, God is looking forward to us opening our lives to Him and leading us down a path of life that is fuller and greater with Him than without Him.

Oh, and I'll see you in church.

Grace and Peace,

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