Thursday, November 29, 2012

Living in the Presence

“And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23:6  

I pray that you and yours are well and that some of the glow of thankfulness of the past week is still keeping your hearts warm as the days grow colder.

For the past several weeks, we've been meditating together on the 23rd Psalm and some of the promises of God that encourage us to lead fearless, hope-filled lives as God leads us, walks with us, and follows behind us with His goodness and mercy. In this last phrase of the psalm, we are offered the ultimate promise of living in God's presence forever.
Now, one way to look at that promise is that it is for a time to come. It is the life beyond the door of death promised by Jesus in John 14:1-6, "In my Father's house there are many mansions....and I go to prepare a place for you." It's the promise that comes to us through Jesus' resurrection from the dead. One day, you and I will be with God in paradise, in a fuller life beyond the door of death. That's a promise that allows us to live in confidence as we face our own demise and the passing of the people we love. This life is not all there is and by God's grace we will experience an even greater life beyond the veil.

There is also a more immediate aspect to this promise as well. There is a "now" that suggests that we are invited to dwell in the living presence of God today and every day as we turn our lives over to this Good Shepherd and live in the green pastures and still waters and at the banquet where our cups are running over. The eternal life promised in this psalm and by Jesus is for a time to come, yes, but also for today and every day of our lives as God's presence touches us; guides us; lifts us up when we're knocked down; makes us whole; inspires the best we have to offer with our lives; and gives us a taste of love that is above and beyond any other that we have known. It is the Lord's house that is open to us today and forever and it is good.

So, as you go about your day today and any day, remember the Good Shepherd, the Lord, who is with you now and always. Set aside your fears and come into the house.

Grace and Peace—

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