Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Promise of Life in Abundance

"I've come to bring you life and life in abundance." John 10:10

Dear People of St. David's,

I pray that you are well and welcome you to a new program and ministry year at St. David's - a year when we as a community and as individuals will be focusing on living our lives in hope rather than in fear.

Each year we choose a theme to better help us live into our mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others. So, our theme this year, Fearless-Living Our Lives in Hope, will be the focus of sermons, teachings and publications with the desire that we may all learn how to better feed our faith, rather than our fears. I expect that many more of us will become Christians filled with hope during this coming year.

The beautiful thing about this particular theme is that fits into the much bigger promise our Lord makes. Jesus offers a life-changing promise in showing us the loving face of God through His life; the forgiveness He offers for our sins; and the life beyond the door of death that is given freely to all who believe, to all who offer their lives to Christ in some way. That life-changing promise is an abundant life.

You see, God wants all of us to live lives of abundance. It may include an abundance of the things of this life, but usually not. Instead, God wants us to live lives that are fully awake to the promises and possibilities that bring joy and peace and love in our relationship with God and in our relationship with others and with God's magnificent creations. He gives us life at birth and desires with all His heart for us to take up that life without fear and live it in all its fullness and abundance.

So join us this Sunday and throughout the year, so that your life may become a life filled with the abundance God intends for all His children. Set aside your fears, and come and feed your faith. Your life and the lives of those around you will be changed forever.

Grace and Peace,

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